How to remove broadleaf weeds from our ryegrass

The most common weeds in the grass are broadleaf weeds. They spoil the sod. The other weed species are certain grasses.

Detriments of broadleaf weeds in ryegrass:
Weeds are more aggressive than wheat grass, which includes all decorative grass mixtures, which are offered in garden stores and being constructed lawns. 

They have in most cases a deep root system and absorb a greater amount of water and nutrients. This quickly suffocate the ryegrass.

Dandelion (celebrate):
Much of the weeds are activated in the spring, as dandelion (celebrate). 

This plant spreads very quickly after its blooms. Its seeds are volatile and quickly spread by the wind.

Against him if no measures are taken, can quickly spread throughout the area and permanently impair your grass area.

Clover plant:
One of the most serious weed in ryegrass is the clover.

It is activated mainly in spring, like celebrate, but it has several periods of intensive growth during the season. This means that if no action is taken, it quickly conquered territories, displacing your grass. 

Clover is a weed that forms dense patches and suffocating ryegrass almost 100%.
In yards that are near to deserted land, forests and meadows, often carry many types of broadleaf weeds. Most of them are not so aggressive, but spoil the decorative qualities of grass turf.

Growing Petunia (Petunia x hybrida) - tips and tricks

Petunia is an annual plant of the nightshade family (Solanaceae). Family came from southern Brazil and Argentina, and includes about 20 species.

How to use petunias in landscape architecture:
Petunia is commonly used in landscaping balconies, terraces of office buildings, hotels, swimming pools, restaurants and other buildings.

Height of the plant:
This plant reaches a height of about 60 cm, stems in most cases are pending. Petunia leaves are covered with hairs, leaf shape is oval to slightly elongated, color is light green.

Petunia - cascade (hanging)
The color of petunias:
The flowers of this species are whirling with 5 separately accreted corolla, 5 small green sepals with yellow stamens located in the middle of color.

Gegründet wir schnell süchtig (Aechmea fasciata) - eine schöne Blume

Von wo kommt diese Pflanze?
Der Ursprung dieser Pflanze aus Südamerika und Genauigkeit der Länder Brasilien und Peru. Wie alle ahnen es Bedingungen am günstigsten sind für die Entwicklung haben wir schnell süchtig.

In unserem Land wird als Topfpflanze und Haushalts-und Indoor-Bedingungen. Oft für die Landschaftsgestaltung der Büros und Geschäften verwendet, Pflanzung einen Wintergarten, Terrasse und mehr. Das heißt nicht, dass wir nicht irgendwelche Versorgung der Anlage werden. Ganz im Gegenteil. Kann als Akzent im Innenraum verwendet werden.

Welche Größe erreicht diese Pflanze?
Die Anlage hat eine sehr günstige Abmessungen für die Aufbewahrung zu Hause und ist für Arrangements und Zucht in Gefangenschaft als andere Arten von Topfpflanzen. Höhe in den meisten Fällen nicht mehr als 80 cm, eine Breite, die etwa 60 cm reicht nicht überschreiten.

Wie und wann Blüten haben wir schnell süchtig?
Blühende dieser Anlage ist sehr schön und relativ lang.